
That is such an interesting subject... Destiny. Does it exist? if it does, then, does that means that we don't have freedom of choice?
I have always believed in destiny, to be honest. But I never think about it as such...DESTINY...ohhh... bad stuff...I can't take decisions...somebody takes them for me... no no. I am not like that. I sort of go with the flow. And in a way i realize that mine, is a lazy option, because it is easier to think that things will happen if they are meant to happen that to face the truth and know that it is up to oneself that things are happening around.
Because if we were poor or we were terminally ill or something, I don't believe I would be thinking, "ah, whatever, if it has to happen IT will happen".

I don´t know, all this is too abstract. I think, that mainly, we make our own destiny, helped by the people we meet in our way, starting with our family and friends ending with the people that come into our life for short periods of time.
Like, why did i miss the Radiohead Gig last night? It was all up to my little self, ladies and gentleman, myself and my boyfriend, whom neither could make up his mind. So, him and I made my last night´s destiny.
I will stop now, because this starts to sound like waffle (nonsense).
First Illustration from Sylvia Ji, second one from James Jean
Lovely song by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Maps"
El destino... es un tema complicado. Por un lado, creo que las cosas ocurren porque tienen que ocurrir, en ese momento y en ese lugar. Que hay pequeños actos o hechos que pueden marcar nuestra vida para siempre, y grandes decisiones que se quedan en nada.
"Si crees que ocurrirá así, así ocurrirá. Si crees que las cosas pueden cambiar, podrán cambiar" Si crees en el destino, entonces te guiará; si no crees en el destino, entonces serás tú quien lo haga.
Yo... I need a cup of coffe...
p.d: Nayix y Bea se están volviendo metafísicas. Se impone una sesión de cartas del Tarot, jejeje...