Most 'paid nothing for Radiohead'

"Nearly two-thirds of downloaders paid nothing for Radiohead's latest album, a survey has suggested.
Fans were invited to put their own price on the 10 MP3 files that made up In Rainbows, from nothing to £100.
But internet monitoring company Comscore found that only 38% of downloaders willingly paid to do so.
The average price paid for the album was $6 (£2.90), the study - based on a survey of the online behaviour of over two million internet users - found.
American fans were the most generous, paying on average $8.05 (£3.85), compared to the $4.64 (£2.22) paid by those outside the US.
Of those who were willing to pay, the largest percentage (17%) paid less than $4 (£1.90). However 12% were willing to pay between $8-$12, (£3.80 - £5.71).
However industry experts said the report showed that only the most successful bands could afford to take such risks.
"Radiohead have been bankrolled by their former label for the last 15 years," said Michael Laskow, chief executive of Taxi, a company that helps bands get signed to record labels.
"They've built a fanbase in the millions with their label, and now they're able to cash in on that fan base with none of the income or profit going to the label this time around."
"They've built a fanbase in the millions with their label, and now they're able to cash in on that fan base with none of the income or profit going to the label this time around."
"How will new artists be able to use this model if they haven't built a fan base in the millions?" he added.
During the first 29 days of October, 1.2 million people worldwide visited the In Rainbows site, but no official figures have been released on how many downloads were made.
Radiohead recently signed a deal to give In Rainbows a physical release in shops, although no date has yet been announced."
Radiohead recently signed a deal to give In Rainbows a physical release in shops, although no date has yet been announced."
La noticia está sacada de aquí.
(Agradecida Kinki Manu por la info)
Sonando Believe me Natalie de los Killers y tal.
Por todos los cielos, Nai, estás de un productivo en el blog arrasador. Te veo inspirada. ¿Será el Icex? Je, je, je.
Abrazos desde Fráncfort, con tiempo demasiado de noviembre.
lo unico que me inspira el icex ultimamente es dolor de cabeza.
saludos desde la castellana. aqui hoy, el cielo es azul.