The Great Global Warming Swindle
Last night I watched a very interesting documentary in Channel 4 about one of the most important issues at the moment, Global Warming.
What do we all know about it? What we know is what we are told, what we have been told for many years now, that we, human, are responsible for global warming, due to the higher carbon dioxide emissions. I, for one, have been bragging about this in this blog, about how are we all to blame for the climate change, the melting of the icebergs and so on.
I read articles about it on the net, and of course, I also watched “An Inconvenient Truth” starring Al Gore, for which he has won an Oscar last February.
And now, if you watch this new documentary, you are left cold and confused. BUT it does make SO much sense; it is very hard to deny it.
What this program says, what the scientists in this program say, after many years of study of the climate, the oceans, the Artic, the sun, the clouds and more, is that no; we, humans are NOT responsible for Global Warming because, the emissions of CO2 are NOT the cause of the temperatures rising.
What they have proved is that CO2 has been rising BECAUSE the temperatures have been augmenting, which is the completely opposite of what we have been hearing everywhere.
The responsible for this climate change (which is something natural;climate changes have been happening for millions of years and it does not mean a catastrophe) is the SUN; the sun and its relationship with the clouds, cosmic rays, oceans, and more.
Then why are we told the wrong thing? As usual, so the government’s hidden agenda gets done. Blaming the carbon dioxide emissions is a way to stop industrialization in the poorest countries. Yes. You heard well. Now I will stop waffling and if you are interested I’m sure you can find the program in youtube.
What do we all know about it? What we know is what we are told, what we have been told for many years now, that we, human, are responsible for global warming, due to the higher carbon dioxide emissions. I, for one, have been bragging about this in this blog, about how are we all to blame for the climate change, the melting of the icebergs and so on.
I read articles about it on the net, and of course, I also watched “An Inconvenient Truth” starring Al Gore, for which he has won an Oscar last February.
And now, if you watch this new documentary, you are left cold and confused. BUT it does make SO much sense; it is very hard to deny it.
What this program says, what the scientists in this program say, after many years of study of the climate, the oceans, the Artic, the sun, the clouds and more, is that no; we, humans are NOT responsible for Global Warming because, the emissions of CO2 are NOT the cause of the temperatures rising.
What they have proved is that CO2 has been rising BECAUSE the temperatures have been augmenting, which is the completely opposite of what we have been hearing everywhere.
The responsible for this climate change (which is something natural;climate changes have been happening for millions of years and it does not mean a catastrophe) is the SUN; the sun and its relationship with the clouds, cosmic rays, oceans, and more.
Then why are we told the wrong thing? As usual, so the government’s hidden agenda gets done. Blaming the carbon dioxide emissions is a way to stop industrialization in the poorest countries. Yes. You heard well. Now I will stop waffling and if you are interested I’m sure you can find the program in youtube.
No estoy de acuerdo en absoluto con este razonamiento. La agenda oculta del gobierno ha estado continuamente en contra del abandono de los hidrocarburos y de la reducción de emisiones de CO2. Cuidado, porque pueden estar manipulando a la gente bienintencionada con científicos pagados por empresas como Exxon que defienden esto, que el efecto invernadero no tiene nada que ver con el petroleo. Pero ¿que nos dice el sentido común? Mirad solo el mar, que está totalmente sobreexplotado, por ejemplo. La causa es humana, demasiado humana.
Mi queridísimo Mr Caine,
una pregunta: se ha molestad Ud. en ver el documental? o se ha molestado en leer lo que dice la web de donde saco la información?
Si lo ha echo, ignore estas preguntas.
No sé. Yo, ha llegado un momento en el que no creo nada. Todo es mentira. Nadie dice la verdad. Todas las versiones tienen vueltas de tuerca en las que la gente ordinaria (tú y yo, working class heroes?:) sale perdiendo, así que yo sigo informándome, y no digo a nada que no.
EL que yo piense que este documental tiene mucha lógica y pueda ser verdad, no tiene nada que ver con que esté completamente de acuerdo en que los humanos somos unos guarros, que estamos dejando el planeta echo un asco, los mares contaminados, las zonas verdes quemadas, árboles talados y especies de animales estinguidas y maltratadas.
Desde luego somos lo peorcito, no vemos más allá de nuestras narices y de nuestras pequeñas patéticas vidas.
ET debería venir y tratarnos igual que muchos desgraciados tratan a los animales, por ejemplo.
He dicho.