Four Eyed Monsters

Susan is an art school graduate working as a waitress and suffering from a lack of inspiration. She receives a message from Arin, but since she's tired of dating, especially online, she suggests that he should just stop by her work.
Arin is too shy to introduce himself. So instead, he follows her home without her knowing and emails her pictures of her mundane daily trudge. She is intrigued.
They decide to meet up, but in an attempt to keep their interaction interesting, they make a pact not to speak to one another. As their romance develops, they only write, draw, email, text, have sex, instant message, and make videos for each other. No talking.
Susan's creative clouds begin to lift, and Arin's dry spell has ended. Unfortunately, a new world of more complicated problems is discovered, and they are forced to deal with intimacy as they meld together and create a monster.
Tiene buena pinta.